As school leaders, we all know the value of building strong relationships with the families in our school community. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in supporting their child’s academic success, and a supportive and engaged community can make all the difference in a student’s educational experience. One way to involve families in school life is through community engagement activities and events. Here are three benefits of including community service in your school’s programming that can attract new families and boost your student retention next school year:

1. Connecting With The Community

Involving families in community service activities can help build relationships with the broader community. As families work together to make a positive impact on their community, they may also form lasting relationships with one another and with school staff. These relationships can help strengthen your school’s ties to the community and foster a sense of pride and ownership among families.

One event that school leaders can organize is a community service day. This can involve partnering with a local organization or charity to identify a service project that families can work on together, like packing food boxes at a food bank. After the event, school leaders can follow up with participants and thank them for their contributions. They can also share any feedback or suggestions for future events. This can help create a positive impression in the community and foster long-term relationships with families.

community engagement

2. Promoting Student Leadership and Civic Engagement

Community service activities can also provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and a sense of civic responsibility. When students see their families and teachers working together to make a difference in their community, they may be inspired to get more involved themselves. By participating in service activities, students can develop skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Additionally, volunteering can help students develop a sense of purpose and pride in their community, which can contribute to overall well-being and academic success.

One event that school leaders can host to promote student leadership and civic engagement is a community cleanup day. To start, the school can reach out to local organizations, businesses and government officials to collaborate on ideas for a community cleanup day. This can include park beautification, litter cleanup, and planting flowers, among others. 

On the day of the event, student leaders can help coordinate the cleanup efforts and break students up into teams to tackle different areas of the community. Team leaders can delegate tasks and help ensure that everyone is working together and staying safe. After the cleanup, student leaders can take the opportunity to reflect on the impact they made, discuss the importance of community service and leadership, and brainstorm future events to continue making a positive difference in their community. 

community engagement

3. Improving Student Retention and Attracting New Families

Finally, community service can be a powerful tool for improving student retention and attracting new families to your school. When families feel connected to the school community, they are more likely to stay involved and invested in their child’s education. Providing opportunities for family involvement through service activities can help strengthen these connections. Additionally, families who are new to the area may be drawn to a school that is actively involved in the community and values civic engagement. By promoting community service as part of your school’s programming, you can help foster a sense of belonging and commitment among families.

To make these types of events more engaging, school leaders can organize fun activities for children and families to participate in after the service project is completed, such as a barbecue or outdoor games. The school can also take photos and share them on social media to promote the event and highlight the positive impact the school is making in the community.

By including community service activities and events in your school’s programming it can show a range of benefits for your students, families, and community. Promote your school’s values and achievements to a wider audience and attract new families who share your commitment to community service by creating social media content that highlights it. 

Schola can help you showcase everything that makes your school special, including your community service and partnerships. Our free Schola School Chats provide an opportunity for high-quality footage of your campus and school community, along with interviews that highlight the positive impact your school is making in the lives of your students and the surrounding community. 

Let’s work together to leverage the power of communication and community engagement to build stronger, more connected communities through service.