Month: May 2021

  • 8 Online Learning Games to Prevent the Summer Slip

    8 Online Learning Games to Prevent the Summer Slip

    As students say goodbye to the school year and start their summer breaks, learning is the last thing on their minds. However, studies show that, over summer break, more than half of students lose 39% of the year’s learning. The “summer slip” can be detrimental to a child’s overall academic success. How do you ensure your…

  • 4 Reasons to Integrate Virtual Learning Tools, Even After the Pandemic

    4 Reasons to Integrate Virtual Learning Tools, Even After the Pandemic

    As the academic year is coming to a close, there is a collective sigh of relief from students, parents, and educators. From navigating a pandemic, balancing virtual and in-person classes, and continually changing protocol, nothing about this year was standard. As educators start to plan for in-person classes next year, it can be tempting to…

  • 5 Activities to Support Social-Emotional Learning

    5 Activities to Support Social-Emotional Learning

    Social-emotional learning helps children acquire the capacity to understand, experience, express, and manage their emotions in a healthy way. Developing key social-emotional skills provides a firm foundation of emotional intelligence for students to build upon, setting them up for success in school and life. How can you as a parent help your child grow into…

  • The Secret to Being an Effective Leader: Emotional Intelligence

    The Secret to Being an Effective Leader: Emotional Intelligence

    Many schools are taking the initiative to incorporate social-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom. This helps their students acquire the capacity to understand, experience, express, and manage their emotions in a healthy way. Developing key social-emotional skills provides a firm foundation of emotional intelligence for students to build upon. But what about school administrators, teachers,…

  • Why Choose Charter?

    Why Choose Charter?

    There are several different types of schools to consider for your child in order to ensure they are placed in the best learning environment. For many families, Public Charter schools are an ideal option as they blend together favorable aspects from both private and public district schools. What is a Charter School? Though commonly misperceived,…

  • 4 Ways to Support Your Anxious Child

    4 Ways to Support Your Anxious Child

    Disclaimer: Schola does not provide medical advice of any nature, specific or general, nor the suggestion of any diagnosis or treatment, nor the endorsement of any physician or medical facility. Nothing herein is intended to or should serve as a substitute for medical advice or diagnoses rendered to you by your individual doctor or other…

  • 4 Ways to Embrace the Benefits of Bilingualism

    4 Ways to Embrace the Benefits of Bilingualism

    School should be a safe, welcoming, and uplifting environment for students to grow, create friendships, and discover themselves. To do so, schools must recognize diversity and inclusivity. Schools with a diverse population of students have a unique opportunity to implement bilingualism and create a space for students of all backgrounds to grow as global citizens. …

  • 5 Benefits to Being Bilingual

    5 Benefits to Being Bilingual

    Ensuring your child is well-educated in the core competencies such as math, science, reading, writing, and history is of utmost importance. But what about world languages? With our country’s diverse population, it is becoming increasingly beneficial for children to learn more than one language. Learning another language is one of the most valuable things students…

  • 3 Tips to Maintain Balance in Your Child’s Life

    3 Tips to Maintain Balance in Your Child’s Life

    As the end of the academic year approaches, a variety of mixed feelings may arise in your son or daughter. Strong emotions such as excitement, stress, burnout, exhaustion, and anxiety can happen. To cope, students will likely divert to being hyper-focused on school or experience the opposite and begin to disengage from their work. For…

  • Equip Students to Finish Strong in 5 Steps

    Equip Students to Finish Strong in 5 Steps

    The time has come again for the bittersweet season that is the end of the academic year. Though the sweet smell of summer is just around the corner, it comes with the added workload of final activities, projects, and exams. The increase in tasks to be completed can cause an increase in stress, especially at…

  • 5 Things to Consider to Find the Best School Fit

    5 Things to Consider to Find the Best School Fit

    Whether you are unhappy with your children’s current school, moving into a new area, or searching for a new school, there is a lot to consider. Schools are not one-size-fits-all. Every student deserves to be in a learning environment that will best meet their individual needs, interests, and learning styles. As you search for a…

  • 10 Steps to Ace Your Enrollment Goals

    10 Steps to Ace Your Enrollment Goals

    With the end of this unprecedented school year on the horizon, school leaders deserve a serious round of applause; you made it through what was undoubtedly one of the craziest years to navigate for the education system. As this year comes to a close, the opportunity for recruitment is wide open. Parents are actively in…