School should be a place of excitement, curiosity, and relationship building, yet many students do not have this experience. Being at the wrong school can be detrimental to students’ academic and social-emotional success. But how do you know if you need to start searching for a new educational setting for your child? Here are 3 indicators your child’s school is not the best fit

#1: Your Child is Disengaged

The number one indicator that your child may not be in their ideal learning environment is their level of engagement at school. Engagement is the attention, curiosity, optimism, interest, and passion students have for learning. For parents, this can be hard to pick up on, especially because you can only monitor your child’s engagement after the school day ends. However, teachers may notice a lack of engagement in class and phone home to inform the parents. Disengagement in class may look like having trouble paying attention, behavioral outbursts, or lack of motivation. Outside of class, there are several signs of disengagement such as constantly wanting to stay home from school, ongoing difficulty with the learning material, or significant behavior change. There are several reasons a student may be disengaged at school such as stress, feeling unwelcome or unsafe, or lacking meaningful connections with other students. All of these are strong indicators that your child might have greater success at a different school. 

#2: Your Child is Uninvolved

Does your child show any interest in joining clubs, sports teams, or extracurricular activities at their school? If not, this is another indication they might not be at the right school fit. Engaging with other members of the school community helps create a positive learning experience. Therefore, not getting involved with the school community can negatively impact their overall experience at school. Additionally, they may refuse to attend school-hosted events. As parents, it is important to recognize this lack of interest, as it may mean they have struggled to make positive connections with their teachers or other students. School involvement can significantly impact students’ sense of belonging. 

#3: Your Child Recieves Poor Grades

Grades can often be a sign as to whether or not your student is at the right school. Let’s be clear: poor grades do NOT mean your child is unintelligent. Poor grades can mean several things. First, the teaching style may not mesh well with their learning style. For example, if they are a hands-on learner, being taught via reading and listening may not make sense. This causes a disconnect and will likely be reflected in their grades. Second, the content might be too easy. When students are not challenged, they lose the motivation to try. Even brilliant students may receive poor grades. Finally, the rigor of the curriculum may be too difficult. Some schools offer a more rigorous and college-prep-oriented learning curriculum than others, and this doesn’t suit all students. If the rigor is too high and the material moves fast, some students will continue to fall behind. All of these can be indicators that their poor grades are not a reflection of their intelligence or effort, but rather the school may not be the right fit. 

Every parent wants their child to succeed, and this starts with being in the right learning environment. Make sure to keep your eye out for these key indicators that your child may not be in the right educational setting. If you notice these tendencies in your child, it’s time to search for a new school. Schola helps families discover, connect, and enroll their children in the ideal educational setting! Visit to take the ScholaMatch quiz to find schools near you that meet your students’ needs, interests, and learning styles. Give your child the education they deserve!