Do you remember the feeling on the first day of school? Walking the hallways, stepping into new classrooms, uncertain of who you’ll meet and how it would go. We’ve all been there!😅 In every student’s life, there are various significant transitions, and preparing for them is crucial to achieve academic and personal success.
One of the biggest transitions in K-12 education is starting middle school. Students will not only head to a new campus but also experience being taught by various teachers for the first time, switch classrooms throughout the day, and have a more demanding workload at school. Not to mention middle school is famously the most awkward stage of a child’s life!
Every student has different needs when experiencing changes, and finding what specifically works for your child is vital for a successful experience. If you are looking for new ways to boost your child’s confidence as the new semester approaches, check out these three Schola-approved tips for a smooth transition into middle school:
1. Talk It Out
“Communication works for those who work at it.” – John Powell
End the summer break by reflecting with your child on all the positive experiences of elementary school, and discussing what they are most excited about for the new school year. Sharing some of your own fun experiences in middle school can be a great way to reassure your student that you also went through this experience and will be there to support them every step of the way.
A fantastic way to promote effective communication at school is to start the semester by introducing yourself to their teachers and counselors. With periodic email, in-person, or phone follow-ups, you can actively collaborate with them so your child receives the proper support in and out of the classroom for developing their strengths and talents.
Student: Start acknowledging your pre-teen’s need for independence, and encourage them to self-advocate. By talking about advocacy and reminding your child that you trust them to make good choices, you will support your student even while you are not around.

2. It’s All in the Details
Setting up a system to keep their schoolwork and belongings organized will help them focus on what really matters. For example, color-coded notebooks and folders can help them manage essential documents, homework, and materials per class. Introducing a routine early in the semester and making an effort to supervise their homework time (while still giving them independence) can also go a long way. If you notice that your child struggles with specific tasks or find yourself having to provide too much assistance, inform their teacher so they can identify ways to give them the proper support in class.
Student: Organization is key! A great way to help them stay on top of their responsibilities is by using a planner or special notebook where parents and students can keep track of their schedule, daily tasks, and goals. Remember to lead by example when it comes to staying organized and check the planner daily.

3. Join the Team
The start of the new school year is the perfect time to get involved in the community. Joining school events, teams, or conferences allows students to get to know their peers and be more social; it also helps parents stay informed and active in the school’s future plans and their child’s education. Keep in mind that pre-teens are experiencing their most significant growth since infancy and defining their interests, so encouraging them to try positive hobbies or extracurriculars is vital for their future.
Student: Ignite your child’s curiosity to discover new interests and explore their talents by encouraging them to try out for team sports, join a club, or find new ways to express themselves creatively. Many schools will encourage students to start their own clubs, so don’t let your child be limited by the options offered—encourage them to start their own!

The new school year is just around the corner, and many exciting changes come with it! Follow Schola on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel to discover more helpful content to support your student throughout the year. Education is an exciting journey for the entire family, learn more about it with Schola.