Let’s face it. Not all children love school, enjoy doing their homework, or have an amazing work ethic. In fact, many parents find the opposite is true. Getting your child to study or complete their homework is a constant battle. However, developing a work ethic is crucial to your student’s success academically and beyond. But how do you break through to a child who lacks the motivation and tenacity to work hard, or one who claims they don’t like schoolwork? Implement these six helpful tips to help your child develop some grit!
#1: Let Them Explore Their Passions
Many students have a misconceived perception that they do not like learning. In reality, they are simply unengaged in the subject matter, not the learning itself. Children must have the opportunity to explore their interests to instigate a love for learning. Letting children discover and learn more about their passions proves to even the most disengaged students that learning can be a delight when they are passionate about the subject. While they still might not be thrilled about the topics in school, having this mindset shift about learning can make a big difference. There may even be a way to incorporate their passions into their schoolwork which can drive further engagement.

#2: Encourage Extracurricular Involvement
Extracurriculars are extremely beneficial when it comes to developing grit. Whether it’s a sport, musical instrument, or art, extracurriculars take hard work! They require commitment and consistent practice to succeed. Involvement in extracurriculars is a great way to teach your children the value of a good work ethic and see first-hand the fruits of their labor. The perseverance they build in extracurriculars transfers over to their academics as well.
#3: Learn How to Study
Knowing how to study is not an intuitive skill! Students will often get overwhelmed or discouraged when studying because they don’t know which method is most effective. Countless different study strategies work well for various learning styles. Flashcards, virtual tools, songwriting, teaching a friend, or completing practice problems are all examples of study methods to try with your kids. Learning how to effectively study can make a huge difference in your child’s work ethic and academic journey. Helping your child discover what method works best for them can help you break through to your child, even those most opposed to studying.

#4: Set Goals
Are your kids pushing themselves? If you have a child who lacks work ethic or is unengaged with their schoolwork, it may be because they have not set any goals for themselves. Without goals, they have nothing to aim for and therefore no reason to work hard. Setting goals that are achievable yet challenging is the sweet spot for the greatest amount of effectiveness. While they might be resistant at first, try to focus on the benefit of achieving the goal so they understand the purpose.
#5: Focus on the Process
One key reason your child may be disengaged from their schoolwork or struggle with work ethic is because they feel discouraged. It’s no secret that school is more difficult for some students than others. Your child may be putting in the same amount of work as another student, yet receive a C whereas the other student receives an A. Over time, this will lead them to believe they are not as smart as their peers. This is extremely detrimental not only to students’ work ethic but their mental health. Students must feel like they are academically adequate, even when school is a greater struggle for them. As a parent, you can foster this by focusing on and celebrating the learning process rather than the result. Students must learn that trying their best is most important.

#6: Teach Them Their Actions Have Consequences
While no one likes to be the bearer of bad news, children have to understand there are consequences to their actions. Refusing to put forth effort in school develops poor habits for the future. While it may not be “fun” in the moment to study, there are negative repercussions to this lack of work ethic. This impacts their ability to succeed in higher grade levels, college, and life. However, the reverse is also true. Students must learn that working hard in school sets them up for greater success and opens far more opportunities as they grow up. Your child must develop healthy study habits at a young age to propel them into their future.
Trying to break through to your child who lacks motivation and work ethic when it comes to academics can be exhausting. Additionally, it’s never fun being like the bad guy who is forcing them to do their homework. However, implementing these simple tips can help even your toughest kids develop some academic commitment. If your student continues to be unengaged in their learning, they may be in the wrong learning environment. Education is not one size fits all, so their school may simply not be a great fit. Schola helps families discover, connect, and enroll their children into their ideal education setting so students can improve education outcomes. Ensure your child is getting the education they deserve by placing them in the school that best suits their needs!