We all want our kids to be happy, healthy, and successful in anything they set out to do. As parents, we work hard to give them the right tools and opportunities to explore and develop skills to help them achieve their goals. Some skills are more straightforward than others; for example, if they are interested in piano, you take them to piano lessons, but others can be a bit more intricate and require different approaches to gain them. This is the case with leadership – one of the most sought-after lifelong skills. 

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. —Warren Bennis

Some people are born natural leaders, but for others, it is a skill that needs to be developed and improved through education and practice. At Schola, we know that not all students have the same set of skills or learn the same way. That is why we believe that finding the right school for every child is essential to successfully develop the skills they need to be happy and successful in the future. 

Let’s take a look at five approaches to encourage our children to develop their leadership skills. And while we are at it, maybe we can learn a thing or two as well, because as parents we are always striving to be better leaders for our kids. 

1. Practice What You Preach

Setting a good example is vital because, let’s face it, you are one of the most influential teachers in your child’s life. Allowing children to witness firsthand how you balance all your roles will teach them to be accountable for their actions and lead in different aspects of their lives. Patience is one of the characteristics that any leader should possess, so showing your children how you listen, observe and even wait can encourage them to mimic those behaviors and have a lifelong impact. 

2.  Be A Team Player

Encouraging our children to explore their creativity will help them define their interests and encourage them to participate in group or team activities. Being part of a team and working towards the best interests of a group is one of the essential characteristics of any leader. When we fail or win as a team, we can identify what we did well and what we could have done better. Children will learn valuable lessons about teamwork, satisfaction, and hard work by joining any type of team.

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3. Perseverance Is Key

As parents, we always want our children to have fun, but it is important not to let procrastination become a habit. Teaching our families the importance of perseverance and hard work in any aspect of life will be highly beneficial for their future. The best leaders know how to aim for something, structure the appropriate steps to help them achieve it, and work towards their goal. Learning the importance of perseverance helps children not give up when disappointment knocks on their door, or things don’t go exactly as planned. Because at the end of the day, it’s not what happens to us but how we deal with it.  

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4. Cultivate Decision-Making Abilities

Most of our life is defined by our decisions, so let’s practice how to make the right ones. When taking a trip or making a vital household plan, treat it as a business decision. Brainstorm ideas and possibilities together, delegate tasks to different family members, and embrace compromise. Not everything needs to be resolved with a “yes” or “no.” Teaching children negotiation skills and how compromising can benefit both parties is important for healthy decision-making in any aspect of life. 

5. Embrace Communication

Communicating is crucial for any leader, not just the way we talk to others but also how we listen and empathize. Communication skills go hand-in-hand with emotional intelligence and problem-solving. If we learn how to detect and manage how we feel, we’ll be able to communicate better with others and be more assertive when solving any problem. If you or your child are finding it challenging to communicate with one another, try finding a mentor. Having a third person who knows the area that your child shows interest in can be a powerful tool to boost your relationship, their overall confidence, and help them feel inspired to lead in the future. 

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There is no one-size-fits-all for developing leadership skills, but education is a big part of it. Helping your child develop these skills at home is just as important as working on them at school. At Schola, you can find a wide range of schools in your area that can help your child develop their leadership skills in many different ways. 
Let’s build leaders that will face future challenges with knowledge, kindness, and empathy. If you want to learn what type of leader your child will be based on their personality, take our three-minute quiz now!

What Type Of Leader Will Your Child Be?