There can be a lot to consider when choosing a school for your child. However, don’t let false facts influence your decision! There are countless aspects to education that are commonly misperceived that may sway your school choice. We’re debunking five educational myths to ensure you can make the most informed decision when choosing a school!
Myth #1: Private Schools Are Better Than Public Schools
Private schools are not necessarily better than district schools. Parents should consider several factors such as teachers, class size, learning style, test scores, costs, and religion before making any conclusions about their desired school type. Additionally, the socio-economic status of the area plays a role, so the quality of education for private vs. public schools varies from location to location. Private schools may offer different benefits than public schools, but don’t assume that a price tag = better education.

Myth #2: You Have to Attend Your Neighborhood School
Did you know you can enroll in a school outside of your district? School choice allows families to choose the school that best meets the needs of their children. There are several school choice programs such as vouchers, tax credits, and educational savings accounts. Additionally, many schools offer open enrollment, allowing students outside that district to attend. While some schools have limitations on open enrollment, charter schools are an available option for all students, regardless of their zip code. Don’t feel like you have to settle for the school closest to your house.

Myth #3: Charter Schools Have Tuition
False! Charter schools are, in fact, public schools, therefore receive government funding and are tuition-free for all students. However, charter schools operate independently from the established state school system, allowing teachers to design a classroom that meets the needs of their students. All charter schools have an authorizer such as a government agency or nonprofit organization. They oversee the school to ensure they are meeting high academic standards and pursuing their mission.

Myth #4: The “Best” School is the Best School
Just because a school has the highest test scores does not mean it is the best school! Many schools will receive ratings based on how well the students perform academically on standardized tests. However, a standardized test score is generally an incomplete depiction of the education offered. Finding the right school for your child means evaluating their individual needs, personality, and interests. While academic excellence is important, don’t be laser-focused on the scores of schools. First, identify non-negotiables for your family and find schools that meet those needs. From there, you can choose to select the school based on its ratings knowing those important aspects are already met.

Myth #5: Education Won’t Save Disadvantaged Youth
Breaking the cycle of poverty can be extremely difficult for families who experience economic hardship. However, it is important not to undermine the power of quality education. Receiving a quality education can help open opportunities for students and provide much-needed support systems, helping students reach their potential. While schools alone won’t close the achievement gap or break the cycle of poverty, school plays a vital role in giving underprivileged children a chance to advance. The education your children receive does matter, so it’s important to seek out the educational setting that serves their needs and will help them succeed.

Don’t let educational myths prevent you from giving your child the education they deserve. Here at Schola, we are committed to improving education outcomes by placing students in their ideal educational setting. The ScholaMatch Quiz and our team of parent outreach specialists are here to ensure you find the best school for your child. We are dedicated to helping families discover, connect, and enroll in the ideal school, so your child can succeed!